Here we are in Week Seven. We are having our First Elimination Week! A list of nominees will be sent out shortly, and the deal is you vote for two (2) of the nominees on your color team. Votes must be in by the end of working hours on Friday. There will be another Elimination Week during Week Ten.
(It is almost eerie how some of those on the nomination list FINALLY made contact with their coach this week, almost as if they sensed what might be coming up!)
As a reminder - those who are "eliminated" can still participate with their coach, get weighed in, etc. They all go onto the "Eliminated" Team. And the Biggest/Healthiest Loser from that team also wins!
Also, this week we have our health psychologist, Dr. Ari Gleckman, speaking at each of the group sessions - you will NOT want to miss him!
We are taking tee-shirt sizes: If you haven't given your tee-shirt size to George during your weigh in, make sure you get it to us quickly so we can attempt to get you the proper size.
Lastly, if you have had thoughts on "so what comes next?", we hope you've shared those during "Idea Week". It would be helpful to send to John and Wendy as well.
Yours in health,
your BHL Coaches (Wendy, Chris, Laura, Nicole, Sarah, Vanessa, Tom, George and John)