Sunday, October 18, 2009


According to yogic practice, our outer environments are a direct reflection of our inner environment.  Outer environments also effect our inner environment on many levels.  Thus, working to improve our physical and emotional health will be improved by seemingly simple things like planning, organization and removing clutter from our outer environments. Being mindful of others, courteous and kind clears the mind and makes way for more healthy decisions.  Crazy-Wisdom, don't you think?

As we continue our Healthy-Losing Journey together, may  we all remember to be courteous, kind and un-cluttered in our:

1) Thoughts toward ourselves and others.
2) Choice of Words when speaking to one another, and (if we must) about one another.
3) Choices in the Way we Honor our Space in the Fitness Center and Locker Rooms.

With regards to #3 specifically:

A) Wipe Down your mats after each use.
B) Wipe Sweat off machines after use.
C) Place Towels in the bins provided.
D) Place Trash (uh-hmmm....) in the trash cans.

Beside being courteous, such action helps us all in preventing the spread of germs.
